BA in Earth Science

Units required for Major: 62-64

Program Description

The BA degree program is designed as a shorter, more flexible preparation for some geology jobs, earth science teaching in high school, and jobs such as park naturalist, environmentalist, geologic planning specialist, or in geology-related businesses. The BA degree can be used in dual-track majors combining geology with biological sciences, chemistry, physics, or engineering.

Program Requirements

Required Lower Division Courses (37-38 Units)
Select one of the following introductory Geology lecture-lab combinations:4
Geology Of Mexico
Natural Disasters
Earth Science Lab
Earth Science
Earth Science Lab
Physical Geology
Physical Geology Lab
Each of the remaining courses as follows:
ASTR 4BIntroduction to Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology3
ASTR 6Astronomical Observation Laboratory1
Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology
Cells, Molecules and Genes
9 - 10
or BIO 7 Introduction to the Science of Biology
CHEM 1AGeneral Chemistry I5
or CHEM 6A Introduction to General Chemistry
GEOL 12Historical Geology3
GEOL 12LHistorical Geology Lab1
MATH 26ACalculus I for the Social and Life Sciences3
General Physics: Mechanics, Heat, Sound
General Physics: Light, Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics
Required Upper Division Courses (26 Units)
GEOG 111Elements Of Meteorology3
GEOL 103Sedimentology/Stratigraphy4
GEOL 111AField Geology2
GEOL 111BField Techniques2
GEOL 130Oceanography3
Select 6 units from the following:6
Structural Geology and Tectonics
Surficial Processes
Geology of California
Geology and the Environment
Geological Field Trip
Select 6 units not taken previously from the following:6
Environmental Archaeology
Human Paleontology
Professional Writing
Climate 1
Global Climate Change
California's Water Resources
Data Journalism
Philosophy Of Science
Environmental Interpretation
Select 3-5 other upper-division geology courses with permission of instructor
Total Units63-64

Indicates courses recommended for students wishing to prepare for CSET Exam for teaching high school science.