Education - Special Education (EDSP)

How to Read Course Descriptions

EDSP 101.     Becoming an Education Specialist. 3 Units

Term Typically Offered: Spring only

The course introduces undergraduate students to a career working with children and youth with disabilities and their families. Students will explore the different career opportunities in the field of special education, the skills of an education specialist teacher, and credential requirements for becoming an educator working with students with disabilities including advocacy, reflection, organization, empathy, and credential program pre-requisites. Students will complete biographical readings, a career plan, and at least 30 hours of fieldwork with an education specialist teacher.

EDSP 119.     Legal and Social Foundations of Inclusive Education. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDUC 100A/B or consent of instructor.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course provides analysis of historical, philosophical, legal, and ethical foundations of special education and emerging issues in the disability rights/social justice movement to provide free and appropriate education (FAPE) for children and youth with diverse linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, physical, mental, social, emotional characteristics in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Legislation (e.g., IDEA 2004, ESSA, Section 504, ADA) and current legal requirements and best practices in identification, eligibility, assessment, IFSP/IEP/ITP development and implementation, and inclusive educational service delivery are examined.

EDSP 200.     Seminar I: Early Childhood Special Education. 1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Admission into the Early Childhood Special Education credential program

Term Typically Offered: Fall only

This seminar introduces Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) candidates to their fieldwork experiences, technology, and development as an ECSE teacher. Candidates will examine their own teacher identity; identify anti-bias educational practices; analyze and reflect upon models of effective teaching and assessment; and develop technology, reflection, and critical thinking skills to engage in the teaching profession.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 201.     Developing Collaborative Partnerships with Families, Professionals, and Communities in ECSE. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission into the MA in Teaching with Education Specialist Early Childhood Special Education Teaching Credential.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Summer

Overview of ECSE historical, philosophical, theoretical/empirical, and legal bases for family centered, relationship based special education services. Emphasis is on developing cross-cultural competence and a strengths-based, student-centered approach to empowering families and advocating for students with disabilities. Students will develop skills required to build and maintain collaborative relationships through effective communication and teaming with families, students, professional colleagues, and community members. These skills will be applied in the context of school-family-community partnerships, professional partnerships, person-centered planning/future planning and IFSP/IEP development.

EDSP 205.     Methods in Access and Inclusion in the GE Curriculum: Students with Extensive Support Needs. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 119, EDSP 206, EDSP 235, EDSP 220

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

The focus of this course will be on the following three areas: 1) the processes for developing modified IEP goals which are based in the general education standards for all core curriculum as well as other individual information; 2) collaboration with general education teachers in the development of participation and support plans for inclusion in the general education classroom; and, 3) instructional strategies and adaptations which will enhance success across curricular areas for students with extensive support needs.

EDSP 206.     Collaborative Program Planning with Families, Professionals, and Communities. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admittance to Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe Credential program or advisor approval

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Students will develop skills in the areas of: family collaboration; school and community collaboration in the context of IEP development and school partnerships; cross-cultural competence; communication; person-centered planning/future planning, partnering with families; transdisciplinary teaming to develop the IEP and the ITP; and facilitating social relationships and friendships as part of the school experience.

EDSP 207.     Secondary/Post-secondary methods and transition planning for Students with Extensive Support Needs. 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 119

Corequisite(s): EDSP 413 or EDSP 414

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Students will develop knowledge and skills related to strategies for including students within the middle and high school environment. Students will develop skills in community-based instruction transition planning, in addition to designing outcomes and supports within the general education curriculum. Students will also gain knowledge and skills related to vocational and supported employment, and preparation for work after high school, and how to facilitate a successful transition to post-secondary education, supported living, and supported employment.

EDSP 208.     Positive Behavioral Supports and Evidence-Based Practices for Youth with Autism and Related Issues. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 119

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Students will develop competencies in evidence-based and promising practices in assessment, interventions and instructional strategies for children and youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and those with mental health concerns and/or dual diagnosis (severe behavior or emotional challenges and developmental, intellectual, sensory, and/or motor disabilities) in the natural contexts of general education classrooms, other school settings, home and community. Students will conduct a functional behavioral assessment and develop and implement a positive behavior support for a student with challenging behaviors.

EDSP 209.     Developing Augmentative & Alternative Communication Systems: Assessment and Intervention. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MAT plus Education Specialist Credential Program.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Participants will learn: a) how to assess communicative forms from nonsymobolic to symbolic and unintentional to sophisticated in students with disabilities; b) how to collaborate with audiologists, vision specialists, physical, occupational, and speech therapists related to communication; c) to select from the range of light tech to high tech augmentative communication systems and related assistive technology, based on assessment; d) how to develop communication instructional plans; and, e) how to implement instruction embedded across multiple environments and with multiple partners.

EDSP 210.     Assessment and Evaluation in Early Childhood Special Education. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admittance to the MA in Special Education Teaching (Early Childhood Special Education)

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course integrates family-centered and strengths-based approaches in early childhood special education into the assessment and evaluation process. Content will focus on developing quality practices in early childhood assessment including using a range of culturally, linguistically, and ability appropriate tools and techniques; parent¬ professional collaboration; transdisciplinary team assessment; assessment reporting; and translating results into intervention planning. Students will demonstrate skills in the assessment process including planning, collecting, interpreting, and communicating assessment information about infants, and young children with disabilities.

EDSP 211.     Curriculum, Intervention Strategies, and Environments in ECSE I: Infants & Toddlers. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admittance to the Master of Arts in Special Education Teaching (Early Childhood Special Education)

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

The focus of this course is acquisition of knowledge and skills to support families and other caregivers in facilitating development for infants and toddlers at risk or with disabilities. Students will collaboratively plan and implement curriculum and intervention strategies for infants, toddlers and families. These strategies may be utilized in a range of natural learning environments including home, childcare, and community programs.

EDSP 212.     Inclusive Curriculum, Intervention Strategies, and Environments in ECSE II: Preschool & Kindergarten. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admittance to the Education Specialist Credential Program: Early Childhood Special Education

Term Typically Offered: Fall only

Candidates develop the skills and mindsets necessary to design and implement developmentally appropriate play-based environments and instruction for young children with disabilities in school-based learning environments including inclusive preschools and kindergarten programs. Using a tiered approach, candidates plan and implement universally designed lessons and create embedded instruction plans that require intentionally planning supports, assessments, and evidence-based interventions within daily routines and activities to ensure all students learn and belong.

EDSP 213.     Early Language and Literacy Development, Instruction, and Intervention in ECSE. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admittance to the Master of Arts in Teaching with Early Childhood Special Education credential program

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Course examines theories and historical context of language and literacy development and instruction in young children from infancy through kindergarten with an emphasis on English Learners and children with disabilities. Candidates will learn to create and implement integrated instructional units and lesson plans that teach early literacy through play-based centers, math, science, and the arts while supporting individual students with accommodations and embedded instruction. Candidates examine the role of technology, assistive technology, and authentic assessment to enhance and guide instruction.

EDSP 216.     Understanding the Implications of Developmental Diversity in Children and Youth. 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to an Education Specialist Credential Program.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Using a critical disability theory perspective, this course explores: 1) atypical development across areas (e.g., cognitive, social, physical, linguistic) due to prenatal, perinatal, and early childhood developmental risk factors; 2) childhood development theories and how they support educators¿ understanding of children, families, and developmentally appropriate practices; and 3) service delivery models and key transitions across the lifespan.

EDSP 217.     Foundations of Positive Behavioral Supports: Creating Safe and engaging Learning Environments. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MA in Special Education Teaching

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Students will learn the foundations of positive behavioral supports as a multi-tiered systems of supports for children and youth with mild to extensive support needs in preschool, elementary and secondary schools with an emphasis on class-wide and school-/program-wide interventions to create safe and engaging learning environments. The course also examines collaboration with families and other professionals (e.g., paraprofessionals, general education teachers) to effectively support students¿ behavior and learning and provides an overview of functional behavior assessment and individual behavioral supports.

EDSP 218.     Advanced program planning/instruction: Students with Extensive Support Needs/Multiple Disabilities. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 209, EDSP 216.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course focuses on 3 primary areas: 1) evidence-based practices for developing high-quality individualized educational plans for children and youth, from early childhood to young adulthood, with extensive support needs (ESN) - including students with multiple disabilities, severe intellectual disabilities, deaf-blindness, sensory and orthopedic disabilities; 2) collaboration with family members, related service professionals, general education teachers, and other community services; and, 3) strategies, adaptations, and technologies, for increasing positive outcomes for students with ESN in inclusive classrooms.

EDSP 220.     Language and Literacy in Inclusive Classrooms I. 3 Units

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course provides candidates with the evidence based principles and systematic and explicit techniques to develop phonological awareness, phonics, concepts about print, oral and written language, and word recognition strategies. Candidates will learn techniques specific to assessing a student in reading and applying the information to assist the student with reading difficulties. Accommodations and modifications for students with mild, moderate, and severe disabilities will be emphasized.

EDSP 221.     Language and Literacy in Inclusive Classrooms II. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 220

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Course provides candidates with evidence based principles, systematic and explicit techniques, procedures in reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary development. Candidates will learn literal and higher level comprehension strategies that assist students in understanding narrative and expository text. Candidates will receive instruction on the principles, techniques, and procedures for teaching spelling, handwriting, and critical study skills. Accommodations and modifications for students with mild, moderate and severe disabilities will be emphasized.

EDSP 225.     Assessment and Evaluation for Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 220, EDSP 221, EDSP 229

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Course examines relationship between assessment, curriculum, and instruction through application of formal and informal assessments to support curriculum and instructional development. Candidates administer and interpret norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and curriculum-based instruments that assess academic achievement, social behavior, and emotional functioning. Candidates learn principles and strategies when collecting and interpreting qualitative and quantitative data from multiple sources. Authentic assessment strategies, specifically designed to support and inform instruction, are emphasized. Field based component included for administering, scoring, and analyzing results from assessments.

EDSP 225A.     Assessment and Evaluation for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities. 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admittance to Mild/Moderate/Severe Credential program or permission of respective special education coordinator.

Corequisite(s): EDSP 225B

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Candidates examine relationships between assessment, curriculum, and instruction through application of a variety of formal and informal assessments and curricula. Candidates administer and interpret norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and curriculum-based instruments that assess academic achievement, social behavior, and emotional functioning. Candidates learn basic principles and strategies related to using and communicating results of a variety of assessment and evaluation approaches. Authentic assessment strategies, specifically designed to support and inform instruction, will be emphasized.

EDSP 225B.     Assessment and Evaluation for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Lab. 1 Unit

Corequisite(s): EDSP 225A

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Field-based practice lab (30 hours). Lab will be a synthesis and application of course content (EDSP 225A) in a setting serving students with mild/moderate disabilities.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 229.     Curriculum and Instruction Strategies for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admittance to Mild/Moderate, Moderate/Severe, Multiple Subjects, and Single Subject Credential programs or permission of respective special education advisors.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Methods for designing and implementing instruction for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Topics include typical/atypical human development, resilience and protective factors, evidenced-based instructional strategies, designing and managing environments and materials, differentiated instruction, collaborative teaming to design and evaluate integrated services, technology (including assistive technology) to support access to general education curriculum, implementation of UDL, modifications and adaptations of state standards, components of IDEA and their implication for a multidisciplinary approach developing IEPs for special needs students included in general education classrooms.

EDSP 229B.     Curriculum and Instruction Strategies for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Lab. 1 Unit

Corequisite(s): EDSP 229

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Field-based practice lab (30 hours). Lab will be a synthesis and application of course content (EDSP 229) in a setting for students with mild/moderate disabilities who receive special education services. Students will verify multiple experiences across the age-span and in inclusive settings, agencies, and other natural environments.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 230.     Positive Behavior and Social-Emotional Supports for Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 217

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course helps teacher candidates understand and support students who experience social, emotional, and behavior problems that negatively impact their school success and well-being. Teacher candidates will learn (a) how to address behavior challenges in classrooms; (b) how to identify and assess support needs from the function-based and trauma-informed perspective; (c) how to design and implement positive intervention and support that are evidence-supported and compliant with federal IDEA law; and (d) how to provide social emotional learning opportunities.

EDSP 230B.     Positive Behavior Supports for Students with Mild, Moderate, and Severe Behavioral Challenges Lab. 1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Admittance into Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe Credential program, APE program, or permission of respective special education coordinator.

Corequisite(s): EDSP 230

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Comprehensive study and application of intervention strategies that enhance the quality of life for students with mild/moderate disabilities. Students will learn (a) how to design learning environments that prevent and reduce problem behaviors, (b) learn how to identify and assess problem behavior using functional behavioral methods, (c) learn how to design and implement positive behavioral support interventions which are in compliance with federal IDEA law, and (d) apply behavioral procedures on a systemic, school wide basis.

EDSP 231.     Assistive and Instructional Technologies for Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs. 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MAT with Education Specialist Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credential Program.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Candidates design and enact technology-enhanced instruction by purposefully using three different types of educational technologies: assistive technologies, general instructional technologies, and content-specific instructional technologies. Technology-enhanced instruction and individualized educational programs involve teachers developing technological pedagogical content knowledge that weaves technology, pedagogy, and content expertise. This course provides learning opportunities for an array of applications, tools, and instructional practices.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 232.     Initial Seminar: Reflective Teaching Practice, Collaboration, & Communicative Competence. 1 Unit

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This initial seminar focuses on the critical practice of reflection as the heart of teaching. A highly effective special education teacher practices deliberate, purposeful, and metacognitive thinking to address the education of students with mild to moderate support needs in an inclusive environment. To prepare special education teachers for a changing world, teacher candidates need to understand theories of learning and their roles in teaching, develop curricular vision, communication skills, and respond to the diverse learning needs of students.

EDSP 233.     Final Seminar: Mild to Moderate Support Needs. 1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 232.

Corequisite(s): EDSP 472 or EDSP 473 (in the last time that either of these two courses is taken).

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Designed to allow the education specialist candidate teacher or intern to focus upon three overall areas: 1) problems and resolutions particular and general to their teaching assignment, 2) development of their Individual Development Plan by identifying their strengths and areas of growth for further study during the candidates Induction Program and 3) create a Personal Reflection Model to support the development of the Individual Development Plan.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 234.     Seminar II: Early Childhood Special Education. 1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 200

Corequisite(s): EDSP 475 or EDSP 476 or EDSP 478

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

This seminar provides Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) candidates with opportunities to engage in reflective conversations about their early fieldwork experience and development as a teacher with regard to program competencies. With support of their colleagues and instructor, candidates will analyze their own teaching practice and pedagogy, complete critical teaching tasks relevant to their fieldwork, and critically analyze issues in the field.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 235.     Curriculum and Instructional Methods for students with Extensive Support Needs. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admittance into the MAT in Special Education (Extensive Support Needs)

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This is the first instructional methods course in the masters and specialist credential program for students with extensive support needs (ESN). Teacher candidates will learn to use the concepts of universal design for learning (UDL) and understanding by design (UbD) to create units of instruction in the core curriculum; various methods of progress monitoring; and, how to embed individualized participation plans and systematic instructional plans unique to individual learners with extensive support needs within general education and special education classrooms.

EDSP 236.     Pro-Seminar in Teaching Students with Extensive Support Needs. 1 Unit

Corequisite(s): Any Mild-Moderate Support Needs field experience or intern teaching course

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course addresses the following competencies: evaluating ethical principles and standards of special education practice; conducting effective meetings and collaborative problem-solving with families and colleagues; creating and carrying out an individualized positive behavioral support plan with the support of the school team and family; analyzing a school¿s current behavioral support system and developing a recommended plan for more effective school-wide positive behavioral support; and, effective strategies for coaching and providing training to paraprofessional staff.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 237.     Transition Strategies for Students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs. 3 Units

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Candidates will examine legal mandates specific to transition planning and implementation, and evaluate transitional life experiences for students with mild/moderate disabilities across the lifespan. Candidates will explore and implement social skills, and career and vocational program planning for secondary students with Mild/Moderate disabilities. Planning will include the student, community services, and other community resources such as parents and various professionals that will lead to increased student learning with career goals and objectives to support their transition to post-school settings.

EDSP 237B.     Transition Strategies for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Lab. 1 Unit

Corequisite(s): EDSP 237.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Field-based practice lab (30 hours). Lab will be a synthesis and application of course content (EDSP 237) in inclusive setting for students with mild/moderate disabilities.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 238.     Culminating Seminar for Education Specialist Candidates. 3 Units

Corequisite(s): EDSP 477 or EDSP 478 or EDSP 415 or EDSP 422 or EDSP 472 or EDSP 473 or approval of program coordinator.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Provides structured opportunities for Education Specialist teaching candidates who are in their culminating student/intern teaching experience to discuss, analyze, and reflect on their students' learning to support completion of Special Education Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA). Candidates will interpret, analyze, and complete prompts for all TPA tasks in preparation for the submission of their TPA teaching event. Additionally, candidates will implement their final fieldwork tasks to demonstrate critical skills of an education specialist. Pre-requisite: EDSP 200 or final semester in the MMSN or ESN credential program.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 250.     Education Research. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Advancement to Candidacy for Special Education concentration; passing WPG exam for all other concentrations.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Studies qualitative and quantitative methods in the development of reliable knowledge in the field of education. Includes identification and formulation of research problems, research designs and presentation of reports representative of different research strategies. Classified students are encouraged to take this course early in their graduation programs.

EDSP 251.     Education in a Democratic, Pluralistic Society. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Passing WPG exam

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Advanced study of social and psychological issues which need to be considered in education relating to the client, the educator, the community and society. Addresses implications of theories of learning, assessment, individual differences and social/political influences.

EDSP 276A.     Education of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. 2 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admittance into Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe Credential or M.A. in Education programs and EDSP 230 or equivalent

Corequisite(s): EDSP 276B

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Concentrate on the assessment, characteristics, interventions and classroom strategies, which uniquely address the educational needs of students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Students will review current laws, policies and selected literature specific to students identified as EBD and their families. Strategies to create and promote collaborative partnerships with parents, mental health representatives and/or other service providers will be presented.

EDSP 276B.     Education of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders - Lab. 1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Admittance into Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe Credential or M.A. in Education programs and EDSP 230 or equivalent

Corequisite(s): EDSP 276A

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Field-based practice lab (30 hours). Lab will be a synthesis and application of course content (EDSP 276A) in serving students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Students are required to participate in class visitations, agency visitations, and interviews.

EDSP 281.     Critical Issues in Special Education Research and Practice. 6 Units

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of Education Specialist Credential coursework and student teaching--Mild/Moderate Disabilities Credential, Moderate/Severe Disabilities Credential or Early Childhood Special Education Credential program

Term Typically Offered: Summer only

This course provides an introduction to Action Research in the field of special education. The overall goal is to improve teacher effectiveness in the classroom through research and develop teacher-researchers, producers and consumers of empirical knowledge. Students will develop research writing skills to understand problems of practice, critical issues, and policy in special education. The course is designed to facilitate connections between methodological paradigm and teaching practices related to doing action research and covers quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research approaches.

EDSP 282.     Classroom Inquiry Methods in Critical Special Education. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 281

Corequisite(s): EDSP 283

Term Typically Offered: Fall only

This course underscores the criticality of educational research and theoretical frameworks to the development of local knowledge through teacher-research. Criticality here relates to issues of social justice in special education and the role of racial bias in educational practices. Throughout the semester, students further develop their understanding of specific methodological research design as applied to their own practice. Students also engage in the iterative process of writing a literature review and further developing the classroom inquiry plan.

EDSP 283.     Critical Analysis and Interpretation of Classroom Inquiry. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 281

Corequisite(s): EDSP 282

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This course develops students' understanding of appropriate methods of data analysis for teacher action research/classroom inquiry in diverse educational settings. Students will apply theoretical knowledge by analyzing and interpreting data from qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods sources and will explore how interpretation of data and presentation of findings can inform teacher practices and support school systems change efforts to improve lives of individuals with disabilities. These experiences will lay the groundwork for students¿ analysis of their own action research/classroom inquiry data.

EDSP 290.     Seminar for Culminating Experiences. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Approval of Culminating Experience Proposal or instructor permission.

Seminar to focus on topics/elements/expectations to be included in the culminating experiences (thesis, project, or comprehensive exam). Successful completion of the course requires completion of Chapters 1 and 2 of the thesis/project and the beginning of Chapter 3 for the MA thesis/project option or an exam petition to be approved by the departmental exam committee, including annotated bibliographies and position papers on the focal topics for the MA comprehensive exam option.

EDSP 292.     Teaching English Learners with Disabilities. 3 Units

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Candidates will learn basic principles, strategies and procedures for teaching English Learners with disabilities. Compliance and legal issues related to English Learners identified with disabilities, including writing linguistically appropriate goals and objectives, and implementing culturally responsive strategies will be addressed. Systematic and explicit strategies for accommodating and modifying curricular materials for English Learners with disabilities in inclusive classrooms will be emphasized.

EDSP 292B.     Teaching English Learners with Disabilities Lab. 1 Unit

Corequisite(s): EDSP 292

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Field-based practice lab will be a synthesis and application of course content (EDSP 292) in the implementation of culturally responsive, systematic and explicit strategies, and curricular material involved in teaching English Learners with disabilities in inclusive classrooms.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 293.     Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission into a teacher preparation program.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Knowledge and skills of teaching students with learning differences in inclusive classrooms require effective use of specific integrated pedagogical moves from an asset-based approach. In addition, professional judgment and contexts matter when modifying these pedagogical moves to successfully address the needs of all students, including those with extensive support needs. This course prepares all teacher candidates in teaching students with most complex learning and behavioral challenges four high-leverage practices in inclusive education ¿ collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/behavior, and instruction.

Cross listed: EDSS 282/EDSP 293/EDMS 213

EDSP 297.     Current Issues in Special Education. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Passing WPG exam

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Examines current issues in special education through review of selected journal articles, presentations by guest lecturers and class discussion. Students will be required to write a series of brief position papers in professional style on selected topics.

EDSP 298.     Master's Seminar in Special Education. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 297

Corequisite(s): EDSP 297

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Students choosing Program A for the M.A. in Education, Special Education option must register for the seminar during their final semester of study, prior to attempting the written comprehensive examination. In the seminar, students will study problems and issues associated with specialty areas as well as with the field of special education as a whole.

EDSP 299.     Special Problems: Special Education. 1 - 3 Units

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Individual projects for Special Education credential candidates at graduate/credential level especially for students capable of independent study. Admission by written approval of the instructor with whom the student will be working and the Department Chair.

Note: This course may be repeated for up to 9 units of credit.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 314.     Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction for Diverse Learners. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to a MAT plus Special Education Teaching Credential program.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Mathematics teaching methodology course for Special Education teacher candidates to develop (a) pedagogical content knowledge in teaching mathematics; (b) favorable attitudes toward the subject of mathematics; (c) willingness to work hard and persevere to understand new mathematical ideas; and (d) motivation to learn more about the content and methodology of teaching mathematics. Focus on using the California content standards to teach all students, including English Learners and those with special needs.

EDSP 413.     Field Experience I: Students with Extensive Support Needs. 5 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the credential program or approval from the Coordinator.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This fieldwork placement is designed for credential candidates in the MA in Special Education Teaching ¿ Emphasis in Students with Extensive Support Needs. Candidates, working under the guidance of a mentor teacher and a University supervisor, will complete the field-based assignments for coursework being taken concurrently. In addition, candidates will be evaluated on a set of competencies required by the end of the first year in the credential program.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 414.     Field Experience II: Students with Extensive Support Needs. 6 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 413

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This University supervised fieldwork placement is designed for credential candidates in the MA in Special Education Teaching ¿ Emphasis in Students with Extensive Support Needs. Building on the skills and competencies demonstrated in their first fieldwork experience, candidates will work towards demonstrating proficiency in 10 identified areas, including: professionalism, IEP development, curriculum, modifications and adaptations, systematic instruction, non-classroom/community environments, facilitating friendships, augmentative and alternative communication, positive behavioral supports, and methods for students with the most complex disabilities.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 415.     Student Teaching: Students with Extensive Support Needs. 8 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 414 or EDSP 420

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This final semester Student Teaching placement is designed for credential candidates in the MA in Special Education Teaching ¿ Emphasis in Students with Extensive Support Needs. Candidates must demonstrate that they are at a ¿proficient¿ level in 11 areas in order to receive a recommendation for their credential: professionalism, IEP development, curriculum, modifications and adaptations, systematic instruction, non-classroom/community instruction, facilitating friendships, augmentative and alternative communication, positive behavioral supports, teaching students with the most complex disabilities, and program management.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 420A.     Multiple Subject Field Experience. 6 Units

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Initial Multiple Subject credential field experience, with integrated methods coursework, is a M-Th, half-day fieldwork requirement. Effective Instruction and classroom management are the focus of the Initial Multiple Subject field experience. Candidates complete field experience in public school classrooms concurrently with integrated coursework. Field experiences focus primarily on observing model lessons and activities and on collaborative planning, implementing and assessing instruction for small groups of students.

Note: This is a full semester field experience in general ed. classrooms.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 420B.     Multiple Subject Student Teaching. 8 Units

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Final semester of a Multiple Subject credential student teaching with integrated methods coursework requires M-Th, full-day participation of the student. Emphasis on classroom teaching and further experience with community services. Candidates must meet the criteria for student teaching to be accepted to this course.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 421.     Intern Teaching I: Students with Extensive Support Needs. 9 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 413

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This Intern Teaching placement is designed for credential candidates in the MA in Special Education Teaching ¿ Emphasis in Students with Extensive Support Needs. Candidates must demonstrate that they are at a ¿developing proficiency¿ level in 11 areas in order to move into the final semester of Advanced Intern Teaching: professionalism, IEP development, curriculum, modifications and adaptations, systematic instruction, non-classroom/community instruction, facilitating friendships, augmentative and alternative communication, positive behavioral supports, teaching students with the most complex disabilities, and program management.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 422.     Advanced Intern Teaching: Students with Extensive Support Needs. 9 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 421

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This final semester Internship is designed for credential candidates in the MA in Special Education Teaching ¿ Emphasis in Students with Extensive Support Needs. Candidates must demonstrate that they are at a ¿proficient¿ level in 11 areas in order to receive a recommendation for their credential: professionalism, IEP development, curriculum, modifications and adaptations, systematic instruction, non-classroom/community instruction, facilitating friendships, augmentative and alternative communication, positive behavioral supports, teaching students with the most complex disabilities, and program management.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 470A.     Initial Fieldwork in Mild/Mod Support Needs Credential. 4 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Master of Arts in Special Education Teaching (Mild to Moderate Support Needs)

Corequisite(s): EDSP 229

Term Typically Offered: Fall only

This initial fieldwork course in the Mild/Moderate Support Needs Education Specialist Credential (MMSN) sequence provides teacher candidates with a specific field placement under the guidance of a mentor teacher who is a highly qualified MMSN teacher at a public school. Candidates spend 2 full days a week at the school, working with children/youth with mild/moderate support needs, under the guidance of their mentor.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 470B.     Fieldwork in Mild/Moderate Support Needs. 4 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 470A

Term Typically Offered: Spring only

Candidates will spend 3 full school days each week working with children/youth with mild to moderate support needs, under the guidance of a mentor teacher with the MMSN credential. Mentors are selected by the University. A University supervisor will provide observations, feedback, and evaluation of progress toward meeting the MMSN teacher performance expectations.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 471.     Mild to Moderate Support Needs Field Experience. 4 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MAT with Education Specialist Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credential Program.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

The field work teacher candidate spends 3-4 full days per week in a school program for students with Mild to Moderate support needs under the direction of a mentor teacher.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 472.     Mild to Moderate Support Needs Student Teaching. 7 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 471 or equivalent.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Student teaching full day, M-Th, for the semester in a cooperating LEA District providing services for students with mild to moderate support needs. Cooperating teachers work with the University supervisor to support the candidate in completing the required assignments and competencies. An evaluation will be completed at the mid point and end of the semester.

Note: Application for student teaching is required prior to course enrollment.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 473.     Mild to Moderate Support Needs Intern Teaching. 9 Units

Prerequisite(s): All criteria related to recommendation for the intern credential and instructor approval.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

A credit/no credit directed internship in a district, county office of education, or program serving students with mild to moderate support needs. Candidates must meet the criteria for an internship to be accepted into to this course. A University supervisor will support the candidate in completing all required competencies. An evaluation will be completed at mid point and end of the semester.

Note: Application for Student Teaching and Intern Teaching Permit is required prior to course enrollment.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 474.     ECSE Early Fieldwork Experience I. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Early Childhood Special Education - Added Authorization or the MA in Special Education Teaching (Early Childhood Special Education).

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Candidates in the early childhood special education (ECSE) program complete early fieldwork activities at a site or program serving families and children with disabilities birth to kindergarten. Fieldwork is completed concurrently with integrated coursework. In this first early field experience, candidates focus primarily on observing evidence-based environments, instruction, and interventions as well as practicing skills including collaborating with a young child's family and team, engaging in data-based decision making, and creating and implementing intervention plans.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 475.     ECSE Early Fieldwork Experience II. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 474

Term Typically Offered: Fall only

Candidates in the early childhood special education (ECSE) program complete more advanced early fieldwork activities at a site or program serving families and children with disabilities birth to kindergarten. Fieldwork is completed concurrently with integrated coursework. In this second early field experience, candidates build on their skills by collaboratively analyzing their teaching and assessment practices, reflecting on their experiences, and practicing with support more advanced pedagogy.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 476.     ECSE Student Teaching: Infants & Toddlers. 4 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 211

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

One of two culminating experiences, candidates complete the student teaching experience with a cooperating teacher in their school district, county office of education or appropriate privately operated program providing early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. Completed concurrently with integrated coursework and focuses on candidates gradually taking the lead on assessing, planning, and coaching families raising infants and toddlers with disabilities or delays within their natural routines, environments, and activities.

Note: Candidates may take EDSP 478 as a course equivalent.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 477.     ECSE Student Teaching: Preschool/Kindergarten. 6 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 212, and EDSP 475 or EDSP 478

Corequisite(s): EDSP 238

Term Typically Offered: Spring only

One of two culminating experiences, candidates complete the student teaching experience with a cooperating teacher in their public school setting with preschoolers or kindergarteners with disabilities. Completed concurrently with integrated coursework and focuses on candidates gradually taking the lead on planning, implementing, and assessing instruction of all students in a school-based program while providing tiered levels of support and embedded instruction to target the needs of students with disabilities

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 478.     ECSE Intern Teaching. 9 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 119, EDSP 201, and EDSP 211 or EDSP 212, or permission from program coordinator

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Internship in a cooperating District or County Office of Education providing services for young children birth to kindergarten with disabilities receiving special education services and their families. Candidates must complete the intern application process in order to register. Intern serves as the teacher of record and is employed by the district. As the classroom teacher, develop and teach developmentally and accessible units and lesson plans, embed instruction and supports, collaborate with colleagues, support paraprofessionals, and lead the IFSP/IEP process.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 479.     Field Experience II: Early Childhood Special Education. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Admission to MA in Teaching with Education Specialist Early Childhood Special Education Teaching Credential program

Corequisite(s): EDSP 210, EDSP 212, and EDSP 293 or approval of ECSE program coordinator

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

The second phase of field-based experience for ECSE candidates is a supervised practicum. Candidates will spend a minimum of two days per week with a community-based program or school where preschoolers with disabilities are being served. They will be assigned a cooperating education specialist and University supervisor who they will work with to complete assignments. An evaluation of program competencies will be completed at the end of the semester.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 500.     Classroom Inquiry/Action Research Portfolio-Culminating Experience. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): EDSP 282

Corequisite(s): EDSP 283, Advancement to Candidacy

Term Typically Offered: Spring, Summer

he course establishes that the candidate has acquired the essential knowledge and skills covered in each of the courses leading to the Master of Arts in Teaching with Special Education Teaching credential. Proficiency is demonstrated through a comprehensive examination of essential content of each course in the MAT degree program. Each candidate will produce a written portfolio, accompanying executive summary, and oral poster presentation of the body of work completed during the MAT Special education program.

Credit/No Credit

EDSP 501.     Master of Arts Project: Special Education. 3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Approval of Culminating Experience Proposal or instructor permission

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Completion of a project that integrates research with development of a product related to instruction of persons with disabilities.

EDSP 599.     Continuous Master of Arts in Special Education Teaching Enrollment. 0 Units

Prerequisite(s): Student has completed all MASET coursework prior to EDSP 500 and earned a RP in EDSP 500.

Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

This is a zero unit course for students in the Master of Arts in Special Education Teaching program who earn a RP in their culminating experience course, EDSP 500. The purpose of this course is to allow them to maintain their continuous enrollment status while they complete the culminating experience requirements for the MASET program.

Note: There is no grade associated with this course.

Credit/No Credit