BA in Fine and Creative Arts (Art Education)

Units required: 71

Program Description

The BA in Fine and Creative Arts (Art Education) prepares students to be resourceful, creative, and socially engaged artist-educators. Students develop expertise in a breadth of studio practices and depth of teaching, preparing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive as teachers in school, museum, and community organizations. The curriculum prepares students through a variety of instruction, including studies in artistic perception; historical and cultural foundations in art; connections, relationships, and applications in art; critical art education theories and methodologies; and visual culture art education.  

The BA in Fine and Creative Arts (Art Education) is a California state-approved subject matter program. Students who successfully complete the program satisfy the requirement of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for demonstrated competence in Art. Graduates of the program are exempt from the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) exams in Art and obtain the prerequisite coursework needed to enter the Single-Subject Teaching Credential Program in the College of Education. Students interested in teaching art in public schools in California should get information from the Teaching Credentials Office in Eureka Hall 401 or the College of Education's website at

Minimum Grade Requirement

Courses applied toward the Subject Matter program must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher.

Program Requirements

Required Art History Core Courses (12 Units)
Complete all three courses9
Art, Religions, and Power before 1400
Art, Empires, and Cross-Cultural Exchange, 1400-1800
Global Modern and Contemporary Art
Select one of the following:3
Traditional Asian Art
Modern and Contemporary Asian Art
European Visual Traditions
Art of the Americas
Required Art Studio Core Courses (21 Units)
Complete all four courses:12
Beginning Drawing
Beginning Painting
Two-Dimensional Composition
Beginning New Media Art
Select one of the following: 3
Form, Space Vision
Beginning Sculpture
Select one of the following:3
Beginning Ceramics
Beginning Hand-Built Ceramics
Select one of the following:3
Beginning Printmaking
Darkroom Photography
Upper Division Art Studio Depth Core Courses (6 Units)
Select two courses from any single group (Group 1, Group 2 or Group 3):6
Group 1
Advanced Drawing
Intermediate Painting (may be taken twice for credit)
Advanced Painting (may be taken four times for credit)
Figure Drawing
Intermediate Watercolor
Advanced Watercolor
Life Painting
Life Studio
Painting and Drawing in the Field
Intermediate Printmaking
Digital Printmaking
Advanced Printmaking Studio
Public Art Processes
Public Art Studio
Group 2
Beginning New Media Art
Collage and Assemblage (may be taken twice for credit)
Advanced Ceramics
Hand-Built Ceramic Techniques
Public Art Processes
Public Art Studio
Figure Sculpture
Intermediate Sculpture (may be taken twice for credit)
Advanced Sculpture (may be taken twice for credit)
Installation and Performance Art (may be taken twice for credit)
Group 3
NewMedia: 3D Computer Modeling
New Media: 3D Character Animation
Digital Printmaking
New Media: Creative Coding
Video Art
Public Art Processes
Public Art Studio
New Media: Physical Computing
Upper Division Art History Depth Core Courses (32 Units)
Select two of the following:6
Origins of American Indian Art
Themes in World Art and Visual Culture
Art of the Ancient Mediterranean
Medieval Art
Renaissance Art
Baroque and Rococo Art
19th Century Art
Modern Art
US and Caribbean Art: Race and Representation
Latin American and Latino Art History
Contemporary Art
Asian Art and Mythology
Topics in Early Modern Art
Topics in Asian Art
Topics in Modern and Contemporary Art
Art of India and Southeast Asia
Art of China and Japan
Art of Korea
Public Art in the Americas
Photography, a Social History
See requirements for the Art Education Concentration below.
Total Units71

Art Education Concentration Courses

Complete all six courses:
ART 130Theories in Art Education3
ART 133Art Education for Children3
ART 135Overview of Secondary Art Education3
ART 137Art for Exceptional Children3
ART 148Barrio Art for Ethnic Groups3
ART 192CSenior Seminar in Art Education3
Complete all four courses:
EDUC 100AEducating Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings2
EDUC 100BEducating Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings Lab1
EDUC 170Introduction to Bilingual Education: Policies, Principles, Programs, and Practices3
PUBH 136School Health Education2
Total Units26

Note: ART 305 (Art in the Public School) is the required learning methods course for students enrolled in the Professional Education Program in the College of Education.

The program is currently under review by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and students are strongly encouraged to consult an advisor.

General Education Requirements1

Area A: Basic Subjects (9 Units)
A1 - Oral Communication3
A2 - Written Communication3
A3 - Critical Thinking3
Area B: Physical Universe and Its Life Forms (13 Units)
B1 - Physical Science3
B2 - Life Forms 3
B3 - Lab (Note: Lab experience to be taken with one of the following: B1, B2 or B5)1
B4 - Math Concepts3
B5 - Additional Course (Any B to reach 12 units) - Take upper-division course to complete Area & upper division requirements.3
Area C: Arts and Humanities (9 Units)
C1 - Arts 20
C2 - Humanities3
C1/C2 - Area C Course3
C1/C2 - Area C Course - Take upper-division course to complete Area & upper division requirements.3
Area D: The Individual and Society (9 Units)
Area D Course3
Area D Course3
Area D Course - Take upper-division course to complete Area & upper division requirements.3
Area E: Understanding Personal Development (3 Units)
Area E Course3
Area F: Ethnic Studies (3 Units)
Area F Course3
Total Units46

To help you complete your degree in a timely manner and not take more units than absolutely necessary, there are ways to use single courses to meet more than one requirement (overlap). For further information, please visit the General Education page.

Note: There is no way to list all possible overlaps so please consult with a professional advisor. The Academic Advising Center can be visited online, by phone (916) 278-1000, or email.


Required in Major; also satisfies GE.

 Graduation Requirements1

Graduation Requirements (required by CSU) (6-9 Units)
American Institutions: U.S. History3
American Institutions: U.S. Constitution & CA Government3
Writing Intensive (WI) 30 - 3
Graduation Requirements (required by Sacramento State) (9-12 Units)
English Composition II3
Race and Ethnicity in American Society (RE) 30 - 3
Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement 26

To help you complete your degree in a timely manner and not take more units than absolutely necessary, there are ways to use single courses to meet more than one requirement (overlap). For further information, please visit the General Education page.

Note: There is no way to list all possible overlaps so please consult with a professional advisor. The Academic Advising Center can be visited online, by phone (916) 278-1000, or email.


If not satisfied before entering Sacramento State, it may be satisfied in General Education Area C2 (Humanities). "C- or better required." The alternative methods for satisfying the Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement are described here:  


Requirement may be completed in major