BA in Ethnic Studies (Pan African Studies)

Units required for Major: 36
Total units required for BA: 120

Program Description

Ethnic Studies is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the cultures, languages, historical, and contemporary issues relating to African Americans, Asian Americans, Chicana/os-Latina/os, and Native Americans. The program directs students to critically examine the cultural contributions made by these groups to world civilization and to American society. Ethnic Studies challenges all students to analyze existing generalizations, theories, and concepts about racial and ethnic groups in order to develop valid generalizations, concepts, and theories about the people and their experiences. Students are encouraged to actively work to eliminate problems based on discrimination.

Students are also encouraged to blend professional area studies with Ethnic Studies. For example, a student may major in Ethnic Studies and minor in Business Administration. Similarly, students with a degree in Engineering Technology may minor in Ethnic Studies and emerge well-prepared professionally to assume middle management and supervisory positions in a multicultural society. Ethnic Studies majors and minors enter careers and professions in both the public and private sectors.

Note: Program advising and other information can be obtained from the Ethnic Studies Department.

Program Requirements

Required Lower Division Course (3 Units)
ETHN 11Introduction to Ethnic Studies 13
Required Upper Division Courses (21 Units)
ETHN 100Ethnic America 13
ETHN 110The Asian American Experience3
ETHN 130Chicano/Mexican-American Experience3
or ETHN 131 La Raza Studies
ETHN 140Native American Experience3
ETHN 170Pan African Studies3
ETHN 194Research in Ethnic Studies3
ETHN 195AEthnic Studies Fieldwork1
ETHN 195BEthnic Studies Seminar2
Concentration Electives (12 Units) 2
Select one of the following Concentrations:12
Asian American Studies
Chicana/o Studies
Native-American Studies
Pan African Studies
Teachers in Bilingual Education
Teachers in Urban Settings
Total Units36

Course also satisfies General Education (GE)/Graduation Requirement.


Four upper division Ethnic Studies and/or cross-listed courses selected with advisor approval to provide the opportunity for social, cultural and historical study; should also apply to the area of concentration; see note below.


  • A concentration must be declared in Asian American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Education (Teachers in Urban Settings or Teachers in Bilingual Education), Native American Studies, Pan African Studies, or General Ethnic Studies. The concentration includes 12 units of electives.

Concentration in Pan African Studies (12 units)

Concentration Requirements (12 Units)
Select four courses from the following:12
Cultural Diversity
African Cultures and Societies
Major African-American Authors
Biracial and Multiracial Identity in the US
Black Political Thought
Crosscultural Aging in America
Politics of the African Diaspora
Genocide and Holocaust Studies
Indigenous People
African Religions and Philosophies
Black Women In America
The Black Family in the United States
Topics In African Studies
Black Music and Black Consciousness
History of Women in Africa
Middle Eastern History to 1800
HIST 176
The African-American Experience, 1603-Present
THEA 132 African-Caribbean Dance
Black Drama in the African Diaspora
African American Theatre and Culture
Total Units12

General Education Requirements1

Area A: Basic Subjects (9 Units)
A1 - Oral Communication3
A2 - Written Communication3
A3 - Critical Thinking3
Area B: Physical Universe and Its Life Forms (13 Units)
B1 - Physical Science3
B2 - Life Forms3
B3 - Lab (Note: Lab experience to be taken with one of the following: B1, B2 or B5)1
B4 - Math Concepts3
B5 - Additional Course (Any B to reach 12 units) - Take upper-division course to complete Area & upper division requirements.3
Area C: Arts and Humanities (12 Units)
C1 - Arts3
C2 - Humanities3
C1/C2 - Area C Course3
C1/C2 - Area C Course - Take upper-division course to complete Area & upper division requirements.3
Area D: The Individual and Society (6 Units)
Area D Course3
Area D Course3
Area D Course 20
Area D Course - Take upper-division course to complete Area & upper division requirements. 20
Area E: Understanding Personal Development (3 Units)
Area E Course3
Total Units43

To help you complete your degree in a timely manner and not take more units than absolutely necessary, there are ways to use single courses to meet more than one requirement (overlap). For further information, please visit the General Education page.

Note: There is no way to list all possible overlaps so please consult with a professional advisor. The Academic Advising Center can be visited online, by phone (916) 278-1000, or email.


Required in Major; also satisfies GE.

Graduation Requirements1

Graduation Requirements (required by CSU) (6 Units)
American Institutions: U.S. History3
American Institutions: U.S. Constitution & CA Government3
Writing Intensive (WI) 20
Graduation Requirements (required by Sacramento State) (9 Units)
English Composition II3
Race and Ethnicity in American Society (RE) 20
Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement 36

To help you complete your degree in a timely manner and not take more units than absolutely necessary, there are ways to use single courses to meet more than one requirement (overlap). For further information, please visit the General Education page.

Note: There is no way to list all possible overlaps so please consult with a professional advisor. The Academic Advising Center can be visited online, by phone (916) 278-1000, or email.


Required in Major; also satisfies Graduation Requirement.


If not satisfied before entering Sacramento State, it may be satisfied in General Education Area C2 (Humanities). "C- or better required." The alternative methods for satisfying the Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement are described here: