BS in Construction Management

Units required for Major: 105 (includes units required for Minor in Business Administration)
Total units required for BS: 134

Program Description

The Sacramento State University Construction Management degree prepares students for managerial positions with contractors and other organizations involved in the construction process. For a graduate, this preparation can combine with experience and lead to recognition as a construction professional, a Constructor. The construction professional is responsible for the execution of construction work, for the creation of completed projects from plans prepared by design professionals such as architects and engineers. What is to be built is defined by design professionals; how the work is to be accomplished is the concern of the Constructor. A Constructor determines the methods to be used and directs the economical application of resources in the construction of timely and safe projects at satisfactory prices, and to the required standards of quality.

The immediate objective of the program is to provide university-level preparation for managerial positions in construction and a foundation for continued learning. The curriculum emphasizes subject areas that are significant to the Constructor: engineering fundamentals, construction management, business administration, humanities and social sciences, and the development of analytical and communication skills.

Note: Students graduating with a BS in Construction Management will not be subject to the University’s Foreign Language Graduation Requirement. Students who change major may be subject to the University’s Foreign Language Graduation Requirement. 

Note: Students graduating with a BS in Construction Management consecutively earn a Minor in Business Administration.



Program Requirements

Required Lower Division Courses (51 Units)
ACCY 1Accounting Fundamentals3
ACCY 2Managerial Accounting 13
CM 9Construction Surveying and Layout3
CM 10The Construction Industry1
CM 15Fundamentals of Construction Management3
CM 20Construction Materials and Processes3
CM 21Construction Graphics3
CM 22Construction Documents3
CM 30Engineering Mechanics--Statics3
CM 40Properties of Construction Materials3
ECON 1AIntroduction to Macroeconomic Analysis 13
or ECON 1B Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis
ENVS 10Introduction to Environmental Science 13
MATH 26ACalculus I for the Social and Life Sciences 13
MGMT 10Introduction to Business Law3
PHYS 5AGeneral Physics: Mechanics, Heat, Sound 14
PHYS 5BGeneral Physics: Light, Electricity and Magnetism, Modern Physics 14
STAT 1Introduction to Statistics 13
Computer Literacy and Competency (3 Units) 2
MIS 1Word Processing1
MIS 2Spreadsheets1
MIS 3Presentation Graphics1
Required Upper Division Courses (45 Units) 3
CM 110Legal Aspects of Construction3
CM 111Construction Labor Relations3
CM 120Construction Operations and Methods Analysis3
CM 121Fundamentals of Construction Estimating3
CM 124Engineering Construction3
CM 125Advanced Estimating and Bidding3
CM 126Construction Project Management3
CM 127Planning, Scheduling and Control3
CM 129Senior Project3
CM 130Structures I -- Design Principles and Structural Steel Design3
CM 135Soils and Foundations3
CM 136Principles of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering3
CM 140Structures II -- Timber and Formwork Design3
HROB 101The Management of Contemporary Organizations3
MGMT 117Business, Ethics and Society 13
Electives (6 Units)
Select any 100 level BA course3
Select one of the following:3
Business Finance
Principles Of Marketing
Operations Management
Total Units105

Course also satisfies General Education (GE)/Graduation Requirement. For the degree, students must satisfy all the University's General Education requirements for Construction Management. Students should contact the program office for a complete list of these requirements. A second year foreign language course (2A or equivalent) may also satisfy 3 units of GE when the course is being taken to comply with the Sacramento State foreign language requirement. Students should consult with an advisor for exact GE eligibility of these courses.


All majors and pre-majors shall demonstrate computer literacy and competency prior to taking 100-level construction management or business courses. This requirement is met by passing scores on examinations as administered by the College of Business Administration in each of the following areas:

  • Basic understanding and manipulation skills for operating system, Email system, and browser (covered in MIS 1);
  • Basic facility with spreadsheets using the College of Business Administration's standard spreadsheet package (covered in MIS 2);
  • Word processing and presentation graphics (covered in MIS 3).

Upper division Construction Management courses are open only to students who have satisfactorily completed all required lower division preparation and have been admitted to the major.


  • High school chemistry (one year), mechanical drawing (one year), and trigonometry (one-half year) also required. Students without this high school preparation must take the necessary courses in addition to those listed above.
  • The recommended course sequence may change. Students should consult the Construction Management program for current information.

Business Administration lower and upper division courses apply both to the major and to a Business Administration minor. Students interested in pursuing a pre-MBA sequence should contact the Degree Program Center in the College of Business Administration.

General Education Requirements1

Area A: Basic Subjects (9 Units)
A1 - Oral Communication3
A2 - Written Communication3
A3 - Critical Thinking3
Area B: Physical Universe and Its Life Forms (3 Units)
B1 - Physical Science 20
B2 - Life Forms 20
B3 - Lab (Note: Lab experience to be taken with one of the following: B1, B2 or B5 20
B4 - Math Concepts 20
B5 - Additional Course (Any B to reach 12 units) - Take upper-division course to complete Area & upper division requirements.3
Area C: Arts and Humanities (12 Units)
C1 - Arts3
C2 - Humanities3
C1/C2 - Area Course C3
C1/C2 - Area C Course - Take upper-division course to complete Area & upper division requirements.3
Area D: The Individual and Society (3 Units)
Area D Course3
Area D Course 20
Area D Course - Take upper-division course to complete Area & upper division requirements. 20
Area E: Understanding Personal Development (3 Units)
Area E Course3
Area F: Ethnic Studies (3 Units)
Area F Course3
Total Units33

To help you complete your degree in a timely manner and not take more units than absolutely necessary, there are ways to use single courses to meet more than one requirement (overlap). For further information, please visit the General Education page.

Note: There is no way to list all possible overlaps so please consult with a professional advisor. The Academic Advising Center can be visited online, by phone (916) 278-1000, or email.


Required in Major; also satisfies GE.

Graduation Requirements1

Graduation Requirements (required by CSU) (6 Units)
American Institutions: U.S. History3
American Institutions: U.S. Constitution & CA Government3
Writing Intensive (WI) 20
Graduation Requirements (required by Sacramento State) (6 Units)
English Composition II3
Race and Ethnicity in American Society (RE)3
Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement 30

To help you complete your degree in a timely manner and not take more units than absolutely necessary, there are ways to use single courses to meet more than one requirement (overlap). For further information, please visit the General Education page.

Note: There is no way to list all possible overlaps so please consult with a professional advisor. The Academic Advising Center can be visited online, by phone (916) 278-1000, or email.


Required in Major; also satisfies Graduation Requirement.


If not satisfied before entering Sacramento State, it may be satisfied in General Education Area C2 (Humanities). "C- or better required." The alternative methods for satisfying the Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement are described here:

Note: Students with a declared major of BS in Construction Management are exempt from the Foreign Language Graduation Requirement.