Minor in Journalism

Units required for Minor: 22

Program Description

The Sacramento State Journalism program provides both a general academic experience and professional preparation. Sacramento's program emphasizes writing, editing, writing for interactive media, and other courses necessary to prepare students for success in media-related jobs; it also includes courses that critically examine media as an institution.

Journalism majors are the core of students who write for The State Hornet, a weekly newspaper with a website updated daily at www.statehornet.com.

A student at Sacramento State may major either in Journalism or in Government-Journalism. A minor in Journalism is valuable to the student entering a career field in which journalism plays a role.

The Journalism graduate who wants to work for a newspaper should expect to serve an apprenticeship with a small newspaper before moving up to a metropolitan daily. Journalism graduates also work as magazine editors and writers, as publications employees in government agencies and associations, in broadcast journalism, and in public affairs.

Program Requirements

Required Courses (10 Units)
JOUR 20Style For Media Writers1
JOUR 30News Writing3
JOUR/COMS 55Media Communication and Society3
JOUR 153Journalism Law and Ethics3
Electives (12 Units)
Select 12 additional units of upper division elective courses 112
Total Units22

No more than 3 units may be from JOUR 195, JOUR 197A, or JOUR 199.