Minor in Counseling

Units required for Minor: 19

Program Description

The Counseling minor consists of 10 upper division units of Child and Adolescent Development coursework and 9 upper division units of Counseling coursework (EDUC). Students will critically examine the theory and research on social and emotional development, and specifically explore the role of the family context in developmental processes, with specific attention to dynamic family processes within the larger society. Students will explore the career of counseling, and the cultural, social, and emotional factors that contribute to unhealthy psychological adjustment and abnormal behavior within developmental and social contexts.

Minimum Grade Requirement

A grade of "C-" or higher is required for all coursework in the Counseling minor.

Program Requirements

Required courses19
Quantitative Methods in Human Development
Child and Adolescent Development in Context
Social and Emotional Development
Introduction to Counseling
Power, Privilege and Self Identity in Counseling
Child and Family Psychopathology

Note: Students majoring in Child and Adolescent Development and in the Counseling minor may overlap a maximum of 10 units (including electives) between the minor and major. Consult with a major advisor for more information. Students may take both CHAD 123 and CHAD 133 to meet CHAD 128 requirement.


For non Child and Adolescent Development majors, CHAD 128 may be substituted for  CHAD 133