Blended BS/MS in Civil Engineering

Total units required for Blended BS/MS: 145

Program Description

The Blended BS/MS program in Civil Engineering provides an accelerated route to a graduate professional degree, with simultaneous conferring of both Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Students in the blended program can progress from undergraduate to graduate status without applying for admission through the Office of Graduate Studies. Students are required to complete all requirements for both degrees, including senior project for the Bachelor’s degree.

Admission Requirements

Students majoring in Civil Engineering will be eligible to apply to the program if they meet the following criteria:

  • Have completed all lower-division work (including lower- division general education courses and American Institutions courses)
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Application Procedures

Students interested in applying to the Blended BS/MS Program should follow the following procedure:

  • Students must complete the department application while in undergraduate status.
  • Applicants do not need to pay the graduate program application fee.
  • Electronic applications will be submitted to the CE Graduate Coordinator for review.
  • Upon acceptance to the program, the department will notify the Registrar's Office and the Office of Graduate Studies.
  • Upon completion of 120 units that count toward satisfying either the bachelor's or master's requirements in the blended program, the student will need to apply to change to graduate status.

Program of Study

The blended program allows students to double count up to 9 units of graduate level specialization courses both as electives for the B.S. degree and core courses for the M.S. degree, effectively decreasing the summed unit requirements for both degrees.

Students in the blended program are required to select their two M.S. elective courses from the Civil Engineering Department with the approval of an advisor from their area of specialization or the graduate coordinator prior to enrolling in the courses.

Program Requirements

Total number of required units for the Blended BS/MS program in Civil Engineering is 145. Variable units are listed due to variable culminating requirement units.

First Semester First Year
CE 1Civil Engineering Seminar1
CE 4Engineering Graphics and CAD 12
CHEM 1EGeneral Chemistry for Engineering 14
MATH 30Calculus I 14
Select two General Education courses6
Second Semester First Year
CE 9Plane and Topographic Surveying2
CE 9LPlane and Topographic Surveying Laboratory1
MATH 31Calculus II 14
PHYS 11AGeneral Physics: Mechanics 14
Select two General Education courses6
First Semester Second Year
ENGR 45Engineering Materials3
MATH 45Differential Equations for Science and Engineering3
PHYS 11CGeneral Physics: Electricity and Magnetism 14
Select two General Education courses6
Second Semester Second Year
ENGL 20College Composition II3
ENGR 30Analytic Mechanics: Statics3
MATH 35Introduction to Linear Algebra3
or MATH 100 Applied Linear Algebra
Select two General Education courses6
Required Upper Division and Graduate Level Courses (80 Units) 2
First Semester Third Year
CE 101Computer Applications in Civil Engineering3
ENGR 110Analytic Mechanics - Dynamics3
ENGR 112Mechanics Of Materials3
ENGR 115Statistics For Engineers3
ENGR 132Fluid Mechanics3
Second Semester Third Year
CE 100Engineering Geology2
CE 130Water Resources Engineering3
CE 130LHydraulics Laboratory1
CE 150Principles of Environmental Engineering2
CE 150LEnvironmental Engineering Laboratory1
CE 160Introduction to Structural Analysis 13
Select one General Education Course3
First Semester Fourth Year
CE 140Transportation Engineering3
CE 140LTransportation Engineering Laboratory1
CE 151Environmental Engineering Practice2
CE 170Soil Mechanics3
CE 170LSoil Mechanics Laboratory1
CE 190Civil Engineering Project Skills3
Select one MS Specialization Course 33
Second Semester Fourth Year
CE 160LStructural Laboratory 11
CE 191Senior Project3
Select one Civil Engineering Elective 3,43
Select two MS Specialization Course 36
Select one MS Elective 43
First Semester Year Five
CE 200Civil Engineering Professional Writing 3
Select one MS Specialization Course3
Select one of the following: 53
Engineering Analysis I
Engineering Analysis II
Engineering Statistics
Second Semester Year Five
Select one MS Specialization courses3
Select up to one MS Elective course 4, 60 - 3
Select one of the following CE 500 requirements: 63 - 6
Plan A
Master's Thesis (3 or 6 units) Approval by the faculty thesis advisor and by a second faculty or an expert in the area of study is required. The thesis must comply with University standards for format and is filed in the University Library. The Master's Thesis should be the written product of a systematic study of a significant problem. It identifies the problem, states the major assumptions, explains the significance of the undertaking, sets forth the sources for and methods of gathering information, analyze the data, and offers a conclusion or recommendation. The finished product evidences originality, critical and independent thinking, appropriate organization and format, and thorough documentation. The work should be associated with engineering research or innovation. No more than 3 units may be awarded for a topic directly related to a topic studied of CE 299. A public presentation is required.
Plan B
Master's Project (3 or 6 units) Approval by the faculty thesis advisor and by a second faculty or an expert in the area of study is required. A Master's Project should be a significant undertaking appropriate to the engineering profession. It evidences originality and independent thinking, appropriate form and organization, and rationale. It is described and summarized in a written report that includes a discussion of the project's significance, objectives, methodology and a conclusion or recommendation. The work should be associated with practical engineering applications. The report must comply with University standards for format and will be filed in the University Library. No more than 3 units may be awarded for a topic directly related to a topic studied for CE 299. A public presentation is required.
Plan C
Directed Study with Comprehensive Exam (3 units). Approval of one faculty member is required for Directed Study. The comprehensive examination is administered by a committee of three faculty members. A written report and a public presentation are required on the directed study. The format of the comprehensive examination can be written, oral, or both.
Total Units145

Course also satisfies General Education (GE)/Graduation Requirement.


Students must complete all lower division preparation before applying for the Blended BS/MS in Civil Engineering


At least two of the four courses with this superscript must be design electives (denoted with superscript 7).


Electives should be chosen from the list of courses in consultation with a faculty advisor from the MS Specialization area.


With advisor approval. Students pursuing an emphasis in Environmental Engineering, Water Resource Engineering or Transportation Engineering must take ENGR 203. Students pursuing an emphasis in Structural Engineering must take ENGR 201 or ENGR 202.


Total required units for the MS degree is 30. Variable units are listed due to variable culminating requirement units. If 3 units of culminating requirement (CE 500) are selected, 6 units of MS electives are required, and vice versa. 


Indicates a Design elective.

MS Specialization Courses

Units required: 15 -- a minimum of 12 units must be taken from one of the following five areas of specialization. Up to 3 units can be satisfied by 200 level coursework (not including CE 299) outside the chosen area of specialization.

Environmental Engineering
Groundwater Hydrology 7
Environmental Quality Processes I
Environmental Quality Processes II
Environmental Quality Processes III
Water Quality Management
Transport of Chemicals in Soil Systems
Systems Analysis of Resources Development
Geotechnical Engineering
Advanced Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering I 7
Advanced Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering II 7
Geotechnical Modeling
Ground Modification Engineering 7
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 7
Geosynthetics 7
Structural Engineering
Matrix Structural Analysis
Finite Element Analysis
Nonlinear Structural Analysis
Advanced Steel Design 7
Advanced Design in Reinforced Concrete 7
Dynamics and Earthquake Response of Structures
Structural Systems for Buildings 7
Pre-stressed Concrete Bridge Design 7
Transportation Engineering
Analysis and Control of Traffic Systems
Transportation Planning
Traffic Flow Theory
Advanced Transportation Facility Design 7
Pavement Design 7
Geosynthetics 7
Water Resources Engineering
Water Resources Planning 7
Hydrometeorology 7
Groundwater Hydrology 7
Advanced Engineering Hydraulics
Hydrologic Modeling
Systems Analysis of Resources Development

Civil Engineering Electives

Design Electives
Design of Urban Water and Sewer Systems 7
Traffic Analysis and Design 7
Geometric Design of Highways 7
Open Channel Hydraulics 7
Stormwater Management 7
Design of Water Quality Control Processes 7
Structural Steel Design 7
Reinforced Concrete Design 7
Masonry Design 7
Prestressed Concrete Design 7
Timber Design 7
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 7
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 7
Technical Electives
Groundwater Engineering
Transportation Systems
Geoenvironmental Engineering
Seismic Behavior of Structures
Introduction to GIS in Civil Engineering
Concrete Technology

MS Electives

Environmental Engineering
Design of Urban Water and Sewer Systems 7
Stormwater Management 7
Design of Water Quality Control Processes 7
Geoenvironmental Engineering
Any Environmental Engineering Specialization Course
Geotechnical Engineering
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 7
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 7
Any 200 level Civil Engineering Course
Structural Engineering
Structural Steel Design 7
Reinforced Concrete Design 7
Masonry Design 7
Timber Design 7
Any Structural Engineering Specialization Course
Transportation Engineering
Traffic Analysis and Design 7
Transportation Systems
Geometric Design of Highways 7
Introduction to GIS in Civil Engineering
Any Transportation Engineering Specialization Course
Water Resources Engineering
Groundwater Engineering 7
Design of Urban Water and Sewer Systems 7
Open Channel Hydraulics 7
Any Water Resources Engineering Specialization Course

Opt-Out Option

Students who wish to opt out after completing all other B.S. major requirements except their CE electives may do so and the graduate specialization courses will count as the electives required in the regular undergraduate program. The total number of units required (124) for the B.S. degree will be the same as for students who are not in the blended program.