Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (EDLP)
How to Read Course Descriptions
EDLP 200. Diversity and Equity in Educational Leadership. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Students will engage in reflection regarding equity focused practices and policy throughout educational systems. Students will develop an understanding of how, and ability to lead for a just, equitable, and inclusive educational system.
EDLP 201. Foundations of Educational Leadership. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Designed to introduce students to leadership theories and their direct connection to practice in the field of educational leadership. Develops in students the ability to examine various leadership theories, frames, techniques, and lenses that can be used to effectively lead schools and other educational settings.
EDLP 202. School Law and Ethics of Educational Leadership. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
The study of school law and ethical decision making as it applies to school leadership including federal and state decisions affecting the educational setting.
EDLP 203. Foundations of Educational Leadership. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
School finance with focus on the State of California school system.
EDLP 205. Instructional Leadership. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Instructional leadership that focuses on the diverse needs of students through the collection and analysis of data, state standards, accountability systems and culturally relevant pedagogy. Theory and practice will be explored on the best practice of supervisory techniques, classroom observation, and teacher improvement.
EDLP 209. Organizational Systems and Human Resources. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Students will engage in examination, synthesis, and application of human resources and management practices necessary to effectively serve as school leader in P-12 educational setting.
EDLP 221. Foundations in Higher Education Leadership. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Master of Education: Higher Education Leadership Option.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Analyzes higher education including its historical, political, philosophical and social aspects with emphasis upon the implications of crucial issues for leaders in higher education. An examination of the historical origins of contemporary practices and discourse and an analysis of the complex relationships between society and institutions of higher education: patterns of governance and coordination; diversity; overview of organizational and administrative structure; faculty; curriculum; student affairs, policy, and demographic trends.
EDLP 222. Diversity in Higher Education. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Master of Education: Higher Education Leadership Option.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Engages participants in a process of inquiry and reflection through self-critique, peer critique, and the dialogical examination of our assumptions, ideas, and understandings that promote intellectual growth. Participants will examine and discuss the literature, research, and discourse concerning theory, policy, and practice about diversity and its relation to higher education.
EDLP 223. Workforce Development Resource Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Builds on the foundational competencies for workforce education and development professionals. Emphasis is on workforce development planning, analysis, design, implementation, management, and measurement and evaluation processes. Introduces several program planning models and frameworks used in the field of workforce development.
EDLP 224. Advanced Seminar: Dynamics of Organizational Change. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Students will engage in examination, synthesis, and application of theories of change, organizational problem solving, planning and evaluation and change management. An exploration of administrative roles and responsibilities.
EDLP 225. Advanced Seminar: Ethical Decision Making. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Master of Education: Higher Education Leadership Option.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Links analysis with action through a survey of the ethical, legal, and professional issues facing the public or private education administrator. Underlying decision making is to understand the basic nature of the academic enterprise and apply social and moral values to the management of higher education and ethical decision making.
EDLP 226. Workforce Development Professional Competencies. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Explores the foundational and professional competencies of workforce education and development in the context of educational institutions, business and industry, government, NGOs, and economic development at the national and local/regional level. Examines the research literature pertaining to identification of those competencies that are demonstrated to be critical for professional success as a Workforce Development Professional.
EDLP 227. Leading the Way for Student Success: Student and Instructional Services. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Participants will explore changing demographics, accountability regarding statewide mandates, reporting regulations, and accreditation, new technology and other factors impacting California's community college student services programs and professionals. Gain an understanding of the philosophy and mission of student services initiatives and programs and student development theory. Examine the role of faculty as leaders in curriculum, instruction and assessment and student success. Understand the purposes and uses of research and technology to address student outcomes, teaching and learning, institutional effectiveness, and decision-making.
EDLP 228. Innovative Leadership: Strengthening Organizational Capacity. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
California higher education leaders are presented with increased legislative and public pressure for accountability while in an era of chronic and disparate under-funding of the system. Understand the relationship between higher education finance and the overall fiscal operations of California's higher education systems.
EDLP 229. Adult Education and Learning. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Explores the historical and philosophical foundations of the field of adult education and learning. Contemporary applications of adult learning theories and practices are explored to provide a broad understanding of andragogy (the art and science of teaching adults) and how it relates to workforce development and other related fields (e.g., career and technical education, human resource development).
EDLP 230. Master of Arts Thesis/Project Seminar. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): EDLP 250 and advancement to candidacy.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
This individualized seminar is designed to extend research knowledge and provide direction in the use of library/professional education resources, as well as exposure to sample theses and projects using APA style. Reviews research methods and a review of the literature and provides instruction in the appropriate academic writing style and format for academic presentation.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 250. Education Research. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Admission into the EDLP Program.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Studies qualitative and quantitative methods in the development of reliable knowledge in the field of education. Includes identification and formulation of research problems, research designs and presentation of reports representative of different research strategies. Establishes and improves students' professional and academic writing skills in preparation for leadership duties. Classified students are encouraged to take this course early in their graduate programs.
Note: Graduate Writing Intesive (GWI) course.
EDLP 255. Field Experience Seminar. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Completion of 12 units including EDLP 200, EDLP 201, and either EDLP 205 or EDLP 206A for Preliminary Administrative Services Internship Credential students only.
Corequisite(s): EDLP 401 and/or EDLP 402 for Administrative Services Credential students only.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Experience and practice in observation and analysis of school environment, including disaggregated student achievement data.
Note: Intern Students are allowed to take class twice and can take course concurrently with EDLP 401 and EDLP 402.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 270. Advanced Seminar: Applied Leadership and Staff Teambuilding. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Graduate level status within the School of Education and instructor permission.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Develop a comprehensive theoretical/conceptual framework from which to view current research surrounding Organizational Leadership and Staff Teambuilding. Special emphasis will be on providing students with experiential learning activities beyond the classroom and incorporate challenging outdoor components. Students will develop a resource portfolio relevant to their unique work situations.
EDLP 273. Advanced Seminar: Grants, Proposals and Systematic Planning. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Systematic planning theory and skills with particular attention to use of these skills in the development of grant proposals. Students will use funding agency regulations and guidelines relative to program development and implementation, and will develop a proposal which may be submitted to a funding agency.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 277. Advanced Seminar: Assessment. 2 Units
Prerequisite(s): Admitted into the Professional Administrative Credential.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Engage participants in a process of ongoing assessment of their administrative practice as school leaders. Such ongoing assessment uses multiple points of data, multiple sources of information, and multiple feedback sources such as colleagues and mentors.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 286. Advanced Seminar: Supervision and Leadership. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Educational Leadership Program, EDLP 206A, instructor permission.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Through lecture and discussion, philosophical and practical problems of supervision of instruction will be explored. Current research on effective teaching, staff development, supervisory techniques, and theories of learning for both students and adults will be examined as a basis for sound supervision practices.
EDLP 292. Advanced Seminar: Current Topics in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Selected current topics of concern to those involved with the administration of schools and other educational systems.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 293. Induction Seminar. 2 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Induction Seminar leads to the training experience of the Professional Administrative Services Credential candidate. Facilitates the interaction among candidate, district mentor, and university advisor, per standards of the Commission on Teaching Credentialing. Through guided practice, candidates are prompted and supported in developing an individualized induction plan. This induction plan includes mentoring, academic program at the university and non-campus components.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 296A. Capstone Research Project. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Advancement to Candidacy
Each student conducts an individual project to fulfill the culminating experience graduation requirement. The course covers application of research in education to the professional practice of educational leadership, and integrates the accumulated knowledge, skills and strategies delivered in the program. This course is the culmination of the MA in Educational Leadership/Higher Education Leadership, leading to completion of the final project and the 4-semester degree.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 296D. Leading with Technology in Institutions of Higher Education. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Admissions to the Master's of Education: Higher Education Leadership Option.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Geared specifically to meet the needs of those leaders in higher education. Those new to technology or those who want to learn more about using technology to lead programs and institutions of high education. Participants will be provided with an array of appropriate educational technology resources to drive decision making practices. They will also learn various programs and software used to address enrollment management, admissions, records, fiscal matters, etc.
EDLP 299. Special Problems Educational Leadership. 1 - 4 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Individual projects or directed reading.
Note: Departmental petition required. Professional Credential Students only may take up to 8 units.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 299C. Special Problems-Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. 1 Unit
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Individual projects for Preliminary Administrative Services Credential candidates at graduate/credential level especially for students capable of independent study. Admission with written approval by the instructor with which the student will be working and the program pathway coordinator.
Note: Students must have failed a CalAPA cycle(s) to take this course. This course may be repeated for up to 3 units of credit.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 299T. Special Problems - Educational Leadership. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Individual projects or directed reading - for students working on their culminating MA requirements.
Note: Departmental petition required.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 401. Internship On-the-Job Experience. 8 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
First semester of the on-the-job internship experience. Interns are supervised in the administrative roles by sponsoring employing agency, as well as by university faculty. Limited to, and required of, internship candidates for the Preliminary Administrative Services Internship Credential.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 402. Internship On-the-Job Experience. 8 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Second semester of the on-the-job internship experience. Interns are supervised by sponsoring employing agency, as well as by university sponsors. Limited to, and required of, candidates for the Preliminary Administrative Services Internship Credential.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 403. Internship On-the-Job Experience. 8 Units
Corequisite(s): EDLP 413.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Third semester of the on-the-job experience for candidates who have not completed their credential requirements during the first year of internship. (Refer to EDLP 401.) Limited to, and required of, candidates for the Preliminary Administrative Services Internship Credential.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 404. Internship On-the-Job Experience. 8 Units
Corequisite(s): EDLP 414.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Fourth semester of the on-the-job internship experience. (Refer to EDLP 403.)
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 413. Supplemental Internship Experience. 6 Units
Corequisite(s): EDLP 403.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Third semester of the supplemental internship experience. Provides first-hand visitations and experiences in various educational and community agencies at state, county, district, and local school levels; additional supervised experience for candidates; and seminar experiences in observation and analysis of school environments for candidates for the Preliminary Administrative Services Internship Credential.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 414. Supplemental Internship Experience. 6 Units
Corequisite(s): EDLP 404.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Fourth semester of the supplemental internship experience. Provides first-hand visitations and experiences in various educational and community agencies at state, county, district, and local school levels; additional supervised experience for candidates; and seminar experiences in observation and analysis of school environments for candidates for the Preliminary Administrative Services Internship Credential.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 495A. Field Study in Educational Leadership. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall only
On-the-job experience in which the candidate assumes responsibility for observation and analysis of school environments including leadership responsibilities, supervision of instructional program, and overall school climate.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 495B. Field Study in Educational Leadership. 3 Units
Term Typically Offered: Spring only
Students will participate in leadership driven field experience at a TK-12 educational setting. The leadership activities will be purposefully planned to ensure the student engages in work that supports their learning as a future/current leader while simultaneously supporting the educational setting with their initiatives.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 498. Advanced Administrative Field Experience. 8 Units
Prerequisite(s): Admission to Professional Administrative Services Credential Program and full-time employment as a school administrator.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Candidates for the Professional Administrative Services Credential are supervised in full-time administrative roles by sponsoring employment agency and university faculty.
Credit/No Credit
EDLP 500A. Master of Arts Thesis/Project. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Advanced to candidacy and chair permission of his/her thesis or project committee.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Completion of a thesis or project approved for the Master's degree.
EDLP 500B. Master of Arts Thesis/Project. 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Advanced to candidacy and chair permission of his/her thesis or project committee.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Completion of a thesis or project approved for the Master's degree.