Military Science (MILS)
How to Read Course Descriptions
MILS 14. Introduction to Military Science I. 1 Unit
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Discussion of the military as one element of national power; its role in American defense; its purpose, weapons and organizations; its participation in international treaties. Discussion of other subjects required for a student to understand the military and its place in modern society. Fall only.
MILS 15. Introduction to Military Science II. 1 Unit
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Discussion of the military's role in American Society, current society attitudes, sources of its leaders, and an examination of its structure. Spring only.
MILS 24. Principles and Tactics of the Soldier. 1 Unit
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Familiarizes students with the nine principles of war, and gain an appreciation for the role of the commander in warfare. A study of small unit level will enable the student to understand the nature of the battlefield environment, and will put the decisions of the commander into perspective. These discussions will lead to the discussion of the elements of leadership to be presented in MILS 25. Fall only.
MILS 25. Leadership Assessment and Beginning Counseling Skills. 1 Unit
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Students will gain insight and practical experience in the manager-leader skills of counseling using the Army's sixteen leadership dimensions as a model. The student will understand the elements of leadership, and undergo the Army's Leadership Assessment Program in class. Interactive role playing scenarios will be conducted and behavior recorded in a group setting. The student will be given individual feedback on the results of the assessment by scheduling a private appointment with the instructor. Spring only.
MILS 99. Special Problems. 1 - 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Intensive examination of one or more special problems in Military Science. Possible areas of study include examination of the structure of the military and its place in modern society, participation in international treaties, leadership skills, decision making, as well as other topics in military science.
MILS 134. Principles Of Instruction. 2 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Principles and practice in fundamentals applicable to military instruction to include planning, presentation, execution and evaluation. Student presentations exemplify lecture material. Application of small combat unit tactics (squad and platoon) will solidify concepts discussed in class. Fall only.
MILS 135. Military Operations. 2 Units
Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing, MILS 134 or instructor permission.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Military small unit tactical theory and application are taught and serve as a basis for leadership development. Introduces principals of combat contemporary operating environment, Geneva Law of Land Warfare, and military offensive and defensive operations. Emphasis is placed on developing critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills. Spring only.
MILS 144. Principles of Military Administration. 2 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Comprehensive course in the organization, structure, and functions of the various types of staffs and an introduction to the theory and application of military law and legal systems focusing on the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the rights of the accused under the Constitution. Fall only.
MILS 145. Military Leadership and Ethics. 2 Units
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Capstone seminar designed to bring together all previous Military Science instruction. Examines contemporary leadership problems. Designed to provide the ROTC cadet with the basic management skills necessary for a foundation for future growth as a junior officer. Spring only.
MILS 199. Special Problems. 1 - 3 Units
Prerequisite(s): MILS 14, MILS 15, MILS 24, MILS 25 and Department Chair permission.
Term Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
Intensive examination of one or more special problems in military science. Possible areas of study include leadership dimensions, professional ethics, critical thinking, problem solving, communication skills as well as other topics in military science.